Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Poll 2: national anthem

Which of these songs do you think should be our national anthem?
Papercut - Linkin Park
Angels - Robbie Williams
Sober - Tool
High Road- Fort Minor
Smoke on the Water - Deep Purple
Express Yourself - NWA
Vertigo - U2
Speed of Sound - Coldplay
Under the Bridge - Red Hot Chilli Peppers
It's a Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong
The River - Good Charlotte
Drive - Incubus
Snow (Hey oh) - Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Cowboys from hell - Pantera
pollcode.com free polls

Monday, April 2, 2007

Poll 1 : Enemies of state

Who do you think is the biggest enemy of Librestan?
Paris Hilton
President Ahmednijad
Curtis "50 cent" Jackson
Kevin Federline
Kevin Federline's EX (get the hint)oops i did it again
Jean Claude Van Damme
pollcode.com free polls

LIBRESTAN - a nation made by none other than YOU!!

Let our wings encompass the earth

'The Republic of Librestan' is a micronation founded by Arvind Pillai in early 2007. The country comprises of the homes/bedrooms of all registered Librestani citizens. It is currently in its nascent stages and is in need of members. Online passports will be issued to all those desiring to join our online community.

31st March 2007 -- Librestan is founded. Librestan represents the (diverse) interests of all its registered citizens in the virtual world. As our Citizens come from various social and religious backgrounds, our outlook on matters tends to be very liberal. We aim to protect the dignity and rights of all Librestanis. 31st March will hereafter be celebrated as National Day.

2nd April 2007 -- Rooms in America, the UK and the United Arab Emirates have now joined the Republic. Librestan expands accross an approximate area of 112 Square Meters.

How do I join?
Make a comment under this post, stating your full name, E-mail address and location (City and Country). An online passport will be sent to your E-mail and your name will be included on the 'Citizen's' list. Please be patient, this may take upto three days.
If you are not familiar with using blogs, you could also sign up by sending an E-mail to librestan@yahoo.co.in with your name and location. Remember, the passport/citizenship that you will be granted has absolutely no value in the real world. This is a mere hobby.